You know what’s underrated? Going out solo on a date. That’s right. You heard us. Solo.
Who needs anyone else to enjoy uplifting and energizing time out? In fact, going out on a solo date night could just be the thing you need to really connect with yourself. Cut the small talk. Forget considering other people’s opinions. Instead, take a night to focus on you.
In this article we round up the 5 best and most overlooked date nights for solos and singletons.
Photographer: Laura Marques
1. Take yourself out for dinner
Have you ever noticed how, in the old movies, people often sit alone over a glass of wine and a meal at a restaurant? No phones, no company, no distractions. Just time out, to either sit with your thoughts, watch passers by, read a book, write poetry… heck, whatever you feel like!
There’s something so liberating about cutting out the need to be present for anyone other than yourself. Best of all, you get to eat exactly what you want without having to explain to anyone. So what if you put mayo on your spaghetti bolognese? It’s your date night, your rules!
Going out to a restaurant alone makes you a mysterious, self-assured badass. Everyone secretly wants to be the person eating alone.
Bring a book or a journal, and take some time to really savour the silence of being alone.
2. Go and watch a film
Have you ever noticed how, in the old movies, people often sit alone over a glass of wine and a meal at a restaurant? No phones, no company, no distractions. Just time out, to either sit with your thoughts, watch passers by, read a book, write poetry… heck, whatever you feel like!
There’s something so liberating about cutting out the need to be present for anyone other than yourself. Best of all, you get to eat exactly what you want without having to explain to anyone. So what if you put mayo on your spaghetti bolognese? It’s your date night, your rules!
Going out to a restaurant alone makes you a mysterious, self-assured badass. Everyone secretly wants to be the person eating alone.
Bring a book or a journal, and take some time to really savour the silence of being alone.
3. See a gig
One of the most common couples date night activities is to head to a bar for cocktails and chill. Whilst that shouldn’t be reserved for couples, it is probably a little too intimidating for most solo date-nighters to go to a bar alone.
To get around this, why not instead try going to a bar with a live artist playing. Because there’s something specific to focus on, you will probably feel less like eyes are on you. Also, it’s just a really great way to experience new music in new places.
The great thing about going to gigs solo is that you’re way more likely to socialise with others around you. We often hide behind the people we know, which stops us from having the courage to open up to those around us. Going to an even with a shared common interest like music could just be the perfect occasion to spark up a conversation with a stranger!
Photographer: Roberto Nickson
4. Take a new class
If you’ve always wanted to try out a weird and wonderful class, but haven’t yet been able to drag someone along with you – go it alone!
It’s a great way to experience something new, and most people will also be there alone.
Take that crazy dance class. Try out that new asian fusion cooking course. Give the writers club a go! Not only will you learn a new skill, but you’ll also meet tons of new and interesting people (if, of course, you want to !).
Plus, if nothing else, you’ll have a new skill to show off to all your friends an family.
5. Go on a spa date
Who said that spa days were reserved for couples? Quite frankly there’s nothing more invigorating or relaxing that taking some time out to indulge yourself in some unadulterated pamper time. A spa day should therefore definitely be on your list of solo date nights!
Most spas have special offers for twilight access, so next time you have a spare night on your hands, why not head to your closest spa to enjoy some R&R. If you’re feeling fancy, you can book yourself in for a treatment, or otherwise just enjoy access to the spa facilities and let all your worries, stresses and strains melt away.
Dedicating time out to let your body unwind is one of the healthiest and romantic things you can do for yourself. And better still, it’s guaranteed to leave you feeling fresh and rejuvenated, and ready to grab your next adventure with both hands!
Whatever you decide, indulge yourself. We spend far too little time with ourselves, and a solo date night could just be the treat you were always waiting for!

Connection is what it’s all about. Feel free to reach out to us with any comments or questions you might have, even if it’s only to say hello. If it wasn’t for our beautiful community, this place just wouldn’t feel the same.