Hands up if you’re planning a wedding and always approximately 10 minutes away from a meltdown… yep, we thought as much. Despite being such a happy and exciting time of your lives, wedding planning can be a challenging, anxious and incredibly stressful process.
Before you know it, your free time is sucked up creating Pinterest boards and Insta bookmarks for Wedding Inspo, scouting out venues, searching out vendors…the list goes on. Throw in a side dish of wedding jitters and it’s enough to make even the coolest head crack.
If you can feel yourself sliding down the stress slope – stop. This is a joyous time of your lives, and with the right (scientifically proven) techniques, you can sail through this process happy, in control, and free from the wedding butterflies.
Photographer: The Caryls
Get a massage
Getting a massage isn’t just a moment of pampering. It’s scientifically proven to relieve stress, reduce pain and inflammation, fight off insomnia, and even boost your body’s immune system. According to one study, just 15 minutes of a chair massage can change your brain waves to boost your alertness and brain power. In fact, study participants were able to perform math computations twice as fast and with twice the accuracy. So if you’re feeling bogged down by the wedding planning process, treat yourself to a quick massage.
Getting a massage isn’t just a moment of pampering. It’s scientifically proven to relieve stress, reduce pain and inflammation, fight off insomnia, and even boost your body’s immune system. According to one study, just 15 minutes of a chair massage can change your brain waves to boost your alertness and brain power. In fact, study participants were able to perform math computations twice as fast and with twice the accuracy. So if you’re feeling bogged down by the wedding planning process, treat yourself to a quick massage.
Have (one) glass of wine
Ok so we gotta say upfront that we’re not advocating you turn to the bottle when stress strikes. BUT, there is scientific evidence to suggest that a small amount of red wine can supports stress relief. Red wine contains a compound called resveratrol, which has been linked to a bunch of health benefits – including stress reduction. It does this by stimulating a stress response gene, which in turn activates other genes that protect the body. So next time you feel your stress levels rising, consider having a small glass of red wine to boost your body’s natural resilience.
Dance the night away
We all know how good it feels to let go and dance the night away. But did you know it’s scientifically proven to be good for your brain? According to a 2008 article in Scientific American magazine, a Columbia University neuroscientist wrote that, by synchronizing music and movement—dance, essentially—constitutes a “pleasure double play.” Music stimulates the brain’s reward center, while dance activates its sensory and motor circuits. Dance helps to reduce stress by increasing levels of the feel-good hormone serotonin – which is why you’re always left feeling energized and pumped after a great night on the dance floor.
Get intimate
Sex not only feels good, but it’s scientifically shown to have a number of health benefits, too. Alongside having properties that lower blood pressure and improve sleep, having sex can sooth stress and anxiety, too. In one study, researchers found daily intercourse for two weeks led to cell growth in the hippocampus, the part of the brain that keeps stress levels under control. So, not that you needed an excuse, but next time the wedding planning gives you the blues – take some time to get close with your partner (and no, before you ask, solo sessions don’t have the same effect!).
Go easy on the caffeine
We hate to break it to you, but those daily cups of coffee you’re having to get through the wedding planning might just be making your stress-levels worse. According to a study led by Dr. James D. Lane, coffee has the effect of exaggerating your body’s natural stress response (i.e. higher blood pressure and stress hormone levels), which in turn magnifies your perception of stress. So next time you’re considering making a coffee, why not instead opt for a soothing tea instead? Chamomile tea has been noted to be a sleep aid. It helps to calm the nerves and relax.
Settle down with a good book
A study carried out by Mindlab International proved that reading cuts down stress by 68%. It beat out going for a walk, drinking tea, and even listening to music. Scientists think that the reason for this is because reading forces us to concentrate fully, and that the escapism of fiction eases tensions caused by real world distractions. Subjects only needed to focus, silently, for six minutes to slow down the heart rate and ease tension in the muscles. In fact it got subjects to stress levels lower than before they started. So when you’re feeling your wedding related stress levels rising, grab for a good book, cut off your other distractions, and let the world melt away.
Hopefully these scientifically proven stress-relievers will help you when the inevitable wedding jitters strike. Try to stay focused on the amazingly beautiful and life-changing thing you’re about to do with your partner: commit to a lifetime together. The rest, as they say, will be what it will be. The run up to your wedding can be just as special as the day itself. With the right techniques, you’ll be smooth sailing through the process like the chilled badass you were born to be.

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