It’s 2019, and dating has thoroughly gone digital.
The way we find new dates, organize dates and tell our friends about the highs and lows of these dates, is largely all done through our smartphones and various apps.
But have you realized how many entertaining — and informative — blogs there are online, all broadcasting on the wild and wonderful world of dating?
Whether you’re happily single, a serial dater, experiencing first date flops, or in a happy, long term relationship, these top 8 dating blogs are for you!
Because they create a community of women (and men) with support, advice and a whole lot of “oh my god, that’s so me!” revelations.
Ready to find out for yourself?
Here are our top eight dating blogs that you NEED to check out.
Baggage Reclaim
The transformative story told through Baggage Reclaim is really inspiring; like, seriously, if Natalie Lue can bounce back from a shockingly bad few years of personal and romantic trauma, then we can all survive a few less-than-knockout dates.
Using her firsthand wisdom — and in a much better place now that she’s met her husband — Natalie riffs on a range of serious topics (grief and anxiety) to everyday dating cliches (ghosting and overlapping).
On top of her blog, Natalie also produces books and podcasts, so you can hear her words in whichever format you prefer.
And with 45.5k followers, she’s clearly doing something right!
Photographer: Hailey Pierce
Hey Saturday
You should absolutely get on board with Hey Saturday, especially if you’re a constant swiper on Tinder, Bumble or a dedicated online dater.
Saskia is the queen of online dating tips, from little details like how to crop your profile picture to big debates like how to perfect your personal brand when online dating.
Gotta be honest: Saskia’s writing makes us think a little harder about the online dating image we put out there.
Here’s hoping her advice will lead to more successful online dates!
Okay, so Broadly isn’t entirely a dating blog; but their content is so good it’s worth a mention, nonetheless.
Made by the same team who bring us Vice, you can expect a female-power, cheeky but challenging tone of voice from these writers, who deliver thought-provoking dating articles like: “Where The Hell is Birth Control for Men?” and “I Stopped Trying to Make Sex a Performance and Started Loving Myself”.
They’ve also got a long-running daily astrology series, perfect if you like to wait until the stars are aligned before arranging a promising first date.
Photographer: Wesley Harden
Global Dating Insights
Looking for something with a little more of a scientific perspective?
How cool is it that we live in an age where data is being crunched, all the time, to bring us an academic perspective on human behavior and dating?
The result is a comprehensive blog, full of global dating insights like the causes of social media envy and lesbian, gay and bisexual online dating habits.
Trust us, the scientific research cited in this dating blog is so compelling, you’ll find yourself spending hours and hours clicking from one article to the next.
Evan Marc Katz
The tagline of Evan’s blog and dating coaching service is, “Understand men. Find love.”
Sigh. If only it were that simple, eh?
But, as this blog comes from a man’s point of view, Evan does help demystify some behavior from the opposite sex.
Whilst we can’t promise that after a quick read of Evan’s writing you’ll be challenging all kinds of What Men Want mind-reading ability, it is always healthy to hear things from the other side’s perspective.
Struggling to decode your beau’s behavior, or looking for advice on a very specific personal situation? Evan offers an “Ask Evan” feature, where you can send in your question or call for help, and he’ll collate all his experience into a reply.
The Guyliner
Another male writer worth a mention is Justin, who’s behind the stylish, LGBT blog The Guyliner.
Justin’s been blogging about dating men since 2010, and — as you can imagine — has clocked up quite a few notches in his bedframe, and subsequently a lot of stories to tell.
Over this time, he’s created a — thankfully anonymous — dating league table, rating each with marks out of ten.
Scandalous? Perhaps a little.
Transparent? Absolutely!
And that’s exactly what we are after with dating blogs; raw, real accounts of what it’s like to be on the dating scene.
Photographer: Tamar Hope
Dbag Dating
Straight outta the romance capital of the world – Paris! – Dbag Dating started as a self-confessed chronicle of dating disasters but has now grown to cover many more dating topics, in particular the complexity of multi-cultural dating.
As a Russian-born New Yorker studying in Paris, Marina, had the unique experience of learning how dating differs between these three very different cultures.
And now she’s dedicated her time to clueing us all up too. Thanks Marina!
Her articles like The Art of Dating: Paris vs. New York feature not just front-line advice from someone who’s struggled through the culture shock of dating in a different culture, but also top restaurant and bar suggestions, to get the most out of dating in each location!
They say that with maturity comes wisdom, and that’s what you’ll find on the Stitch blog.
With a focus on dating for older adults, you’re more likely to find advice on companionship and lifestyle than matter-of-fact sex tips here.
Having said that, Stitch certainly doesn’t shy away from sex — with articles discussing whether over 50s should talk about sex on their online dating profiles.
(We say go for it, if you ask us!).
Is there anything we’ve missed?
Of course, there are thousands — if not millions — of other dating blogs out there in the world.
Do you feel we’ve missed anything? Let us know!
We’d love to add to our reading list too.
And if podcasts are more your thing, on top of Natalie’s Baggage Reclaim pod, you can find out about our favorite couple’s podcasts right here.
And, as ever, just to reiterate loud and clear that whilst dating can and should be tons of fun, if you find that it’s getting you down – take a break. Sometimes diving into the world of online dating (via blogs or otherwise) can be overwhelming. There are tons of myths about singledom that can contribute to pretty unhealthy feelings about being alone. But the truth is, you can be a kick-ass, happy and confident person – whether you’re single or not.
In fact, whilst we’re on the topic of podcasts, here are 7 to subscribe to if you’re newly single and ready to mingle.

Connection is what it’s all about. Feel free to reach out to us with any comments or questions you might have, even if it’s only to say hello. If it wasn’t for our beautiful community, this place just wouldn’t feel the same.