Sometimes it’s easy to compare yourself to others on the Internet, which is full of huge romantic gestures and #couplegoals. Surprise helicopter rides, rooms full of roses (à la Kim and Kanye), extravagant trips to the Maldives – there are no limits when it comes to over the top romantic gestures. And don’t get us wrong, they can be super fun.
However, what if that’s not really your vibe, or more importantly… in your budget? Consider this: Some of the most romantic moments are low key moments. They’re the times when you’re in your pajamas, eating take out when your lover gives you the last bite of his sesame chicken. They’re the times when you’re cuddling in the kitchen while cooking up your favorite meal. Or the times you’re walking together, hand in hand, in blissful silence down the street.
With that in mind, we’ve pulled together some romantic ideas that will mean the world to your other half but won’t break the bank… or involve any helicopters.
Photographer: Chelsea Moudry
Romantic Gesture #1: Write a love note
If your mom or dad ever left a hand written note in your lunch box as a child, you’ll know the heartwarming feeling of discovering it at lunch time. That mini-surprise, followed by reading loving, positive words probably made your day.
How about bringing this into your romantic relationship by writing a few words on a discreet note to remind them how much you love them. Leave it in the book they’re currently reading, or in their workbag to discover during the day. Taking a moment to be thoughtful costs nothing but will have a huge impact on the way your partner feels when they find your surprise love note.
Photographer: Shaz and Mayan
Romantic Gesture #2: Have a stay-at-home date night
Staying in is the new going out, and there is nothing more romantic than a private dinner for two.
Turn the TV off for the evening, set the table, light a candle, and spend a bit of time rustling up your favorite person’s favorite meal. It doesn’t have to take hours or involve expensive ingredients. Heck it could be as simple as tacos or mac n’ cheese!
This simple but attentive idea is a sure-fire way to make your SO’s day and encourages communication between you at the end of a long week. Making time for each other shows mutual respect and you’ll both appreciate the home cooked meal!
Photographer: Heirlume Photography
Romantic Gesture #3: Recreate your first date
If you’re well overdue some romantic time together, why not take it back to day one and relive your first date together? You could even introduce a little extra fun by getting ready and arriving separately.
If your first date was a coffee date or dinner date, this time around order for each other. If you saw a movie together, this time go to the theatre and pick a movie that’s showing when you show up.
You’ll be surprised how quickly those first date butterflies come rushing back, adding an unexpected energy to your date. It’s easy to let routine get the better of you, but sometimes all you need is to remind each other why you fell in love in the first place.
Photographer: Maggie Grace
Romantic Gesture #4: Head out on a coin flip adventure
Some of life’s best moments happen when we leave them to chance. So how about this? Head to your favorite part of town, armed with nothing but your imagination, a little money and a single coin.
Start by deciding on a number between 1-50.
What happens from this moment on is down to the toss of the coin: heads you turn left, tails you turn right. Now every time you reach a street corner, toss the coin and go wherever it leads you until you reach your chosen number. So if your number was 20, you’d flip the coin at 20 different corners – when you have reached your final one, simply find the closest bar or restaurant – et voilà! You have your date night location.
This is a lot of fun because you really can’t predict where the night will take you!
Photographer: Levi Hriczo
Romantic Gesture #5: Go for a long walk
Hope for a sunny day, turn off your cell phone, grab your lover and head for the nearest green space. Spend an hour or two wandering. Take in the sights and smells of your surroundings. Ask your partner how they’re doing (really doing) and listen when they respond.
Let them know that you care about how they’re feeling and share jokes and stories from your time together. Depending on the weather, an ice cream or fresh coffee won’t go amiss to keep your energy levels up!
We hope we’ve inspired you to take a bit of time to plan something special for your partner. Maybe more importantly, we hope that we proved that it doesn’t cost a fortune, or require considerable vacation time, to incite romance. Try not to forget that it’s actually the small acts of kindness that will keep your love and relationship thriving.
Kim and Kanye eat your heart out.
Need some all out date ideas? Check out these unconventional, city-based dates.

Connection is what it’s all about. Feel free to reach out to us with any comments or questions you might have, even if it’s only to say hello. If it wasn’t for our beautiful community, this place just wouldn’t feel the same.
[…] we’re on the subject, how about 5 romantic gestures to show your special someone how much you love […]