We’ve trudged through January, the month many proclaim to be the most miserable of the year, gotten through the wintery half of February and made it safely to the other side. Spring is in the air!
With the beautiful weather and a plethora of new seasonal activities to indulge in, there’s no reason to be couch bound for another Netflix night this season.
Here are 10 springtime date ideas you can do with your partner to celebrate the arrival of the warmer months.
Kite flying
Spring is many people’s favorite season. The treacherous cold from winter has subsided, and the sweltering summer heat has yet to come. If you’re stumped for date ideas this Spring, consider finding a day with a nice Spring breeze and go outside and fly a kite! Make sure to find a big, open space on a day with mild-moderate wind and get flying!
Photographer: Aneisa Calder
Plan a picnic
What better way to celebrate the warmer weather than to pack a nice hearty lunch, a bottle of bubbly and head down to your local park for a picnic. Pick a spot with a nice view, take a warm blanket, and have a wonderful picnic whilst enjoying that fresh springtime air.
Mini golf
Why not have a google and check out some crazy golf courses nearby? They’re not as serious or intense as the professional sport and are usually packed with obstacles like windmills and mini ravines which you’ll sure to have fun navigating around. If you or your partner enjoy outdoor sporting activities this is sure to be a great date.
If you want to up the ante a little, why not place a little wager and make the loser buy drinks or gelato… or compete for the ultimate worst player, and make the winner pay!
Photographer: Charity Rebekah
Go to a sports game
Baseball anyone? As the months begin getting warmer, outdoor sporting events also start to become more popular. So, if you’re a sports fan, why not meet up and attend a sports game? Beer, hot dogs and that crisp Spring air? Yes please! They don’t have to be expensive either; often times you can attend baseball games or other outdoor sporting events at high schools or in your local park for a small fee, if not completely free.
Local festivals
When we pass through the same streets on the way to work all the time it’s easy to overlook all the hidden gems our own neighborhood has to offer. Around Spring, many cities and towns will start holding all sorts of different festivals. A lot of times these can be very cheap, if not free, especially if booked in advance. Do some research and maybe plan to attend an upcoming event. You can try a new art, food or music festival and spend the day wandering around exploring the different stalls and seeing the sights.
Photographer: Kristen Peterson
Tour a nearby town
We all need a change of scenery from time to time, and you don’t need to buy an expensive plane ticket to have yourself a little vacation. If you’ve just had it up to here with your local watering hole, take a venture to a nearby town. You’ll find that even towns only a few short miles of each other will have a different vibe and atmosphere that feels totally new. Explore the new scenery with your date and experiment with a new restaurant that isn’t your ‘usual spot’.
Bike rides
Looking for something free and fun? Try a bike ride! Plan a route with some scenic stops you want to see and have a great afternoon riding past springtime scenery with your beloved. For extra points, consider renting and having a go on a tandem bike!
Flea market
Head to a flea market for some bargain hunting fun! Not only are flea markets cheap, but they have a unique set of items that can’t be bought retail. Have a browse and check out all the cool stuff hiding on less frequented shelves. You can also create little challenges with each other to make it even more fun. Maybe set a spending limit and see who can get the best bargains or indulge in a nostalgic game of I spy… the options are endless! And let’s face it, a date with a handsome guy and shopping is bound to be great day anyway.
Photographer: Brooke Womack
Bury a time capsule
Creating a time capsule with your date is both romantic and great fun. It’s very much a multi-layered adventure where you get to pick and plan what you’d like in the time capsule, not to mention the retrieval of it. They’re quick and easy to make and can be as simple as double wrapping a shoebox. Both you and your partner can pick 1-3 things to put inside the time capsule, as well as maybe a letter. There are also no rules against digging up your own time capsule, picking a duration of time, and setting a date to go back and dig it up!
Botanical garden
A botanical garden is a garden that’s dedicated to cultivating and preserving plants that are utilized for scientific study. Basically, there’s a wide-variety of super cool looking plants here that you’d definitely never see in your local park. If you or your partner is a budding botanist, or you simply just enjoy being around greenery, have a look into visiting a botanical garden together. They often have placards explaining all the usages of the plants as well as their botanical names. Who said learning isn’t fun?!
So here you have it — 10 fabulous date ideas that you can do with your beau this Spring! But, if having the date prepared and planned still hasn’t done anything to alleviate your nerves, take a read on calming those first date jitters!

Connection is what it’s all about. Feel free to reach out to us with any comments or questions you might have, even if it’s only to say hello. If it wasn’t for our beautiful community, this place just wouldn’t feel the same.
[…] some extra ideas on how to play together with your SO? Here are some adventurous springtime date ideas to surprise them with, some unconventional date nights for city dwellers, and some cute outdoor adventures. Want to keep […]